Research Poster Submission Guidelines

Deadline: January 10, 2025


    • Open to all osteopathic medical students affiliated with A.T. Still and Midwestern University, residents, and faculty/preceptors in Arizona.
    • No past research, publications or manuscripts will be eligible for submission.
    • All submissions must reflect work performed while a current medical student, resident, faculty or preceptor.

General Information

    • Abstracts should be no more than 500 words (excluding authors and affiliations, acknowledgements, and references).
    • One entry per person as lead author in this category.
    • No more than two people can present a poster.
    • Presenters must be a member of the AOMA (Free to all students and residents).
    • Research-in-progress abstracts are acceptable. However, you must be able to present results during the poster session.
    • You do not need to register for the AOMA Convention to participate in the Poster Forum.
    • Research submitted in this category must be clinically applicable to human health.
    • Please be sure your submission has been reviewed and approved by the faculty advisor listed on the IRB.

Abstract Submission Deadline

    • All required material must be submitted via submission form by midnight FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 2025
    • Be sure to review each of the questions in the submission form carefully, and respond accordingly.

Abstract Content Guidelines

The folllowing abstract sections are required for all abstracts.

Should be engaging, specific and descriptive.

Specific aims of the research study.
Provide a clear hypothesis or research questions

Concise and relevant information as to why you did the study.
Highlight the importance and relevance of the study topic.

Explain the study design and protocols.
Discuss the study population and how it was sampled.

Briefly summarize what you found, providing clear and relevant data aling with a primary outcome and key secondary findings.

Brief description of the main outcome of the study.
Duscussion of how the research will impact clinical practice and/or subsequent research.

Authors and Affiliations
Names listed properly with proper designation.
Include affiliations relevant to the project.

Must have at last two (2) references
Must have at least one (1) reference from an osteopathic source.
All references to be in the most recent format described in the AMA Manual. URLs to online publications can also be included (if examples needed, please review with principal investigator (PI).

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval

    • ALL entries are required to be approved by your respective Institutional Review Board (IRB).
    • A letter indicating approval MUST be included with submission.
    • If project is IRB exempt, a letter from the sponsoring institution’s IRB confirming exemption MUST be included with your submission.

Acceptance or Rejection

    • Lead author will be notified of their acceptance or rejection by MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 2025. If abstract is accepted, you will be asked to present at the poster forum on Saturday, MARCH 8, 2025.


Deadline March 14, 2025 (if abstract accepted)

Poster Size

    • MAXIMUM of 54” wide and 36” high in landscape format.
    • AOMA will provide mounting boards to display your poster.
    • Posters will be measured, if they are larger than the maximum size they will be disqualified.

Virtual Poster Presentations

    • There is the ability to present your poster virtually.
    • Please indicate on the application form if you would like to present your poster virtually.
    • Virtual presentations will be done using Zoom Video Teleconferencing. You will receive an email with a link to download Zoom and your scheduled time to present.
    • Must have an electronic device with camera for the judges to see you.
    • Virtual presentation time(s) will be determined as we get closer to the event.


    • Members of the AOMA Professional Education Clinical Case and Poster Forum Committee will review all poster abstracts received by the deadline.
    • If your poster is accepted, to be eligible, you or a designated alternate must present your poster in person or virtually during the AOMA 103rd Annual Convention on Saturday, MARCH 8, 2025.
    • Judging is on a numerical scale based on the following:
      • Format
      • Mechanics
      • Style
      • Results/conclusions
      • Completeness of research/reference materials.
    • Faculty must present their own posters. Faculty will only be judged if there are three (3) or more entries.
    • The top three poster submissions will be chosen, and lead authors/investigators will be notified of the results by Friday, MARCH 14, 2025.
      • Student and Resident winners will be presented with an award.
      • Faculty winners, if judged, will receive an award.
    • The winning posters may be published in the AOMA Digest unless the author(s) specifies otherwise.
    • All posters and abstracts will be displayed on the AOMA website unless the author(s) specifies otherwise.

Poster Format Requirements

Posters must include the following information:

    • Title
      • Should be engaging, specific, and descriptive.
    • Authors and Affiliations
      • Most involved should be listed first.
      • Only include affiliations relevant to the project.
      • All authors relevant to the project should be located below the poster title.
      • Full names with professional designation and institutional/medical facility;
      • Names must be listed properly with the proper designation. DO NOT PUT: Dr. Last Name (Dr. Smith). List as first, last, designation (DO, MD, PhD, MS-I, etc.) i.e., John Smith, DO. The information needs to be correct for publication. If not listed correctly it will be sent back for correction.
    • Objectives
      • Specific aims of the research study.
      • Provide a clear hypothesis or research question.
    • Introduction
      • A concise literature review of the topic with a focus on background of the research.
      • Be organized to transition from the general to specific in current scientific knowledge involving the research area.
      • A brief summary of your research, and why this topic merits reporting.
      • The last sentences of the introduction should be a statement of objectives and/or hypotheses.
    • Methods
      • Describe how the research was completed.
      • Include description of the techniques and the materials used so someone could ascertain what experiments were performed.
      • The details of a published protocol do not need to be reproduced in the text, but an appropriate reference should be cited.
    • Results
      • Summarize the data collected and any statistical analyses.
      • Include only relevant data.
      • Do not attempt to evaluate the results in this section.
      • Use figures, tables and other graphic elements as needed for clarity.
      • Use in-text references for each figure or table you include.
    • Discussion/Conclusions
      • Include adequate reference materials that demonstrate your clear understanding of the specific area of research, materials, methods, results, and data analysis performed.
      • Include a brief summary at the end of the discussion section reviewing the main conclusions and the importance of the research results as well as the future direction in this research investigation.
    • Acknowledgments/Disclosures
      • Acknowledge and disclose anyone who significantly aided in the process of conception, design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data, or who was involved in drafting and/or revising the poster.
    • References
      • Must have at least three (3) references, including one (1) osteopathic source.
      • All references to be in the most recent format described in the AMA Manual. URLs to online publications can also be included (if examples needed, please review with principal investigator (PI).
    • Graphic Elements
      • All tables, images, graphs, and figures should be appropriately cited and labeled properly with a corresponding description.
      • All patient information should be removed from or blacked out.

Contact Information/Help

Important Dates

JANUARY 10, 2025

Poster abstracts, including IRB letter, due.

JANUARY 27, 2025

Notification of acceptance or rejection to lead author.

FEBRUARY 21, 2025

Poster submissions due. Click here.

MARCH 8, 2025

Poster presentation and judging at AOMA Annual Convention.

MARCH 14, 2025

Winners will be contacted.