Board of Trustees
Executive Committee
- Responsible for the management and success of AOMA
- Comprised of five executive officers: President, President Elect, Immediate Past President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer
- Officer candidates are selected by the AOMA Nominating Committee and are elected by the AOMA House of Delegates at the Annual Convention
- meets monthly, usually via teleconference
Michael Lokale, DO, M.Sc (Oxon), FAAFP
Alphonse Ambrosia, DO, FACC
Datcha Dorvil, DO, MPH
Vice President
Michelle Mifflin, DO
James Keane, DO, MEd, FACOI, FACP
Immediate Past-President
Board of Trustees
- transacts the business of the AOMA, led by the Executive Committee
- one seat per school on the Board of Trustees
- trustees are elected by Districts
- new Trustees begin their terms in June of each year
- meets four times per year
Danielle Barnett-Trapp
Vice Speaker of the House
Donald Curran, DO
District 2 Trustee
Susan Del Sordi-Staats, DO
District 3 Trustee
David England, MS, DO
District 5 Trustee
Michelle Eyler, DO
Member at Large Trustee
Charles Finch, DO, FACOEP
Speaker of the House Trustee
Marisa Jacobs, DO
New Physicians in Practice Trustee
William Jaffe, DO, FACOI
District 7 Trustee
Breanne Jaqua, DO, MPH
Member at Large Trustee
Brittani M. Javed, DO
Member at Large Trustee
Donald Middleton, DO
District 1 Trustee
Julie Morrison, DO
District 6 Trustee
Homan Mostafavi, DO, MBA
Member at Large Trustee
George Parides, DO, FACOI
Member at Large Trustee
Hani Rashid, DO, FACR
Specialist Trustee
Denise Sackett, DO
District 4 Trustee