Welcome to AOMA

Michael Lokale, DO, M.Sc (Oxon), FAAFP
AOMA President
Since 1920 AOMA has been supporting the needs of physicians and students by protecting and promoting the osteopathic medical profession. AOMA has more than 2,600 members – active, retired, associates, interns, residents, and students. AOMA accredited by both AOA and ACCME as a provider of continuing medical education, offering more than 60 hours of CME credits each year at the Annual Convention, Fall Seminar, and other CME programs across the state.
As an AOMA member I value what the Association does for osteopathic medicine and osteopathic physicians. Preview our Association’s information and if you have questions about membership please email info@azosteo.org or call the AOMA office at
AOMA Mission Statement
The mission of the Arizona Osteopathic Medical Association is to promote the osteopathic medical profession, serve our members, provide osteopathic continuing medical education, and advocate for high quality, cost-effective health care.
Take part in your future – The quote “strength in numbers” most definitely applies to the Arizona Osteopathic Medical Association (AOMA). Only through a combined effort of osteopathic medical professionals can our Association continue to exert an influence within the local legislative forums and maintain our goals of promoting the osteopathic medical profession to the public, and to support access to high-quality, cost effective health care for all Arizona.
Serving your needs – AOMA serves the needs of the osteopathic physicians providing professional camaraderie, education, and a prominent voice in the political arena. Through the AOMA, the diverse members of the osteopathic community are united into a dynamic organization with the power and expertise to confront and obtain solutions to a multitude of medical-related issues. AOMA is a statewide association and as a member you have access to a broad range of educational programs, publications and conferences. Membership Business Partners & Services has a listing of the community partners we have developed specifically for your needs.
Protecting your profession – On your behalf, AOMA provides effective legislative lobbying at the local, state and national levels. Over the years AOMA has gained recognition for the osteopathic community and defeated legislation and regulations detrimental to the medical industry. Our Legislative Affairs Committee, Executive Director, and lobbyist understand the legislative environment and they know what it takes to get our voice heard. Many of our members have the opportunity to serve on Advisory Boards, Task Forces, and Councils providing a critical role in improving osteopathic opportunities and influencing public policy and opinion.
Keeping you informed – Access to industry information is vital to the success of your practice. AOMA will keep you informed about the ever-changing issues in the medical profession. With your membership you receive the AOMA Digest, providing the health care community with information on matters of general interest and trends in the profession, reports on legislative matters, announcements of meetings and reports on new rules and regulations governing the practice of osteopathic medicine in Arizona. The AOMA DO Dispatch eNewsletter is published twice monthly, providing timely announcements, CME information and public health alerts. The annual AOMA Membership Directory is a comprehensive membership guide and listing that provides helpful information.
Providing for your professional development – Professional development is provided with continuing medical education at the AOMA Annual Convention and the Fall Seminar, with AOA Category 1-A and AMA PRA 1 CreditsTM topics covering a broad spectrum of medical knowledge presented by the most qualified physicians.